Orfund Foundation is a registered Canadian charity established in 2004 by of a small group of individuals located in Canada and elsewhere who share an interest in contributing to orphan and vulnerable children care in Africa. The children are largely orphaned or made vulnerable due to AIDS, however, only a small percentage of the children are born with AIDS.

Our Purpose

By drawing upon an extensive network of business contacts and private individuals in Canada and elsewhere, and utilizing the group’s intimate knowledge of Africa and in particular the community in Botswana, Orfund hopes to contribute directly to on-the-ground programs that immediately benefit those in most need of help – the orphaned and vulnerable children of Africa.

To fulfill its purpose, Orfund Foundation:

  1. Provides orphans and vulnerable children with relief from poverty and illness through the provision of daily meals, access to medical services, clothing, blankets, books, toys and assistance to start up and maintain vegetable gardens;
  2. Provides for the advancement of orphans’ and vulnerable children’s education through the establishment and support of community based day care and pre school centres. Orfund’s support includes the training of teachers as well as the other skills required to run a small organization such as accounting and book keeping;
  3. Protects the welfare of children by working with governments and other international aid organizations to strengthen child welfare, inheritance and property laws and by providing a properly supervised, safe environment at community based day care and pre school centers where orphans and vulnerable children have a chance to gain experience and develop skills to cope with day to day living; and
  4. Provides trauma and other counseling services to orphans and vulnerable children and their caregivers.

Why Botswana?

  1. Botswana suffers from the highest HIV/AIDS rate in the world, with close to 40% of adults infected. However, the government, unlike some other African countries, has acknowledged the situation and is committed to fighting the problem, including a unique program of routine testing and free drug treatment. Botswana’s efforts around the prevention of mother to child transmission are a model.
  2. With a relatively small population of about 2.0 million, innovative programs have a chance to make an impact, and perhaps provide a workable model for other African nations.
  3. The Bookbinder family has been in Africa for over 40 years, much of that in Botswana. The family is well connected in government, business and community circles and in a position to assist with programs that will provide the most immediate benefit to the country’s large population of orphans and vulnerable children.

Donate Now

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